Acquiring competences through volunteering – WHAT'S THIS?

Volunteering is a mutual process of giving and receiving. As a volunteer you give away one of the most valuable human resources - your time – to users and ideas you find important. In return, along with a handful of positive energy and good feeling, you go through the learning process, the application of knowledge and skills that you own, or you discover talents you never knew you had.

Volunteering develops a range of personal, social, organizational and professional skills which ensure a better and easier way in dealing with various jobs and everyday life. The experience, knowledge and skills acquired through volunteering are necessary and useful for active participation in society, greater employability and personal development. Therefore, it is closely related to the concept of lifelong learning, as a contribution to the development of individual potential and the acquisition of competences for personal and professional advancement.

In order to make volunteering more visible on the labour market, but also in further education, through amendments to the 2013 Law on Volunteering, it is possible to issue certificate of competences - knowledge, skills and experience - acquired through volunteering to those volunteers who are in long-term volunteer engagement, i.e. who volunteer regularly and continuously, on a weekly basis for at least three months without interruption. The Act itself as one of the most important benefits of volunteering points out that: 'Through volunteering one gains experience and develops competences necessary and useful for active participation in society, personal development and personal well-being'

Funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union
The European Commission support for the production of this website does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsi­ble for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

This web site is a result of the project "Competent in Volunteering - Competent in life" supported by European Union through Erasmus+ programme.
Applicant of the project is Platforma dobrovolnickych centier a organizacii (PDCO), Slovakia, and partners are: Volunteer center Osijek, Croatia, Centrul de Voluntariat Cluj- Napoca, Romania; Univerzita Mateja Bela v BanskejBystrici, Slovakia; Liceul Pedagogic Gheorghe Sincai Zalau, Romania; Citizens Democratic Initiative Project, Beli Manastir, Croatia.
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